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Affordable Child Care

Child Care Advocacy

Mothering Justice seeks to decrease the income gap of early educators and caregivers and build childcare policies that fully support every Michigan family. Through these changes, we expect to help facilitate the dismantling of systems that keep women in a constant state of economic instability and disenfranchisement. 

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Michigan Tri Share Program 

The Michigan Tri-Share progam is an innovative 

approach to addressing the issue of accessible and affordable child care. This pilot program is great for employers who are serious about investing in their employees. 

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Other Mother 

Noun. A Person who supports parents with raising children. A human who has your back. An unsung Hero whom we can't live without.

Join our Other Mother Coalition to learn about ways to advocate for informal care givers. The coalition meets weekly. 


Together we have the power to make equitable change on child care policies in America. Advocate with us by choosing one of the actions below.


Take Action On Child Care 

Learn More
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America's Child Care System Crisis

Why are Mamas/Parents expected to work like they don’t have children and raise children like they don't work?  In this country, the answers are racism and sexism. For our entire nation’s history, labor such as caring for children and aging family members, cooking, and keeping house has been viewed as “women’s work” because for so long it has predominantly been expected out of or forced on women. Work that from slavery to current day has largely been performed by Black, Indigenous and Immigrant women of color both in homes and in public spaces.This work goes unpaid, unrecognized and mostly unappreciated. But this “Mother Work” is one of the most important. 


The truth is, this socioeconomic system that has been built forces us to deny our humanity. No matter what industrial growth, or innovation we accomplish as a society, we are all just that, human. We have children, we get sick and so do those who we love. But in these cases it is women who are expected to bare the burden  of caring for others and make financial sacrifices to do so.


 This history of devaluing mothering labor shows up in today's policy and investment in childcare. Free labor once provided by enslaved women and other women of color allows our current systems to grossly underinvest leaving early care and education providers earning wages that average $10.72/hr forcing them and their families to often utilize public income support. Black early educators in particular earn less than their peers across racial groups and settings.Underinvestment and poor childcare policies are often rooted in old ideals of two parent households where women are left to care for the children and dont need to earn money. Today our families are made up in a variety of different ways with 91% of income gains experienced by middle class families over the last forty years were driven by women’s earnings. 



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