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Mothering Justice

Mama Knows Best - 5 Mamas of Color Share Pregnancy Health Advice #BMHW22

Motherhood is said to be one of the greatest gifts on earth. For black mothers, it is a very precious gift.

According to the CDC, the black maternal mortality rate is 43 per 100,000 live births compared to that of the national rate of 17 per 100,000 live births. Our goal at mothering justice is to help educate and provide access to healthy pregnancies for pregnant women or those that want to become mothers. In celebration of Black Maternal Health Week, we asked some great moms we know how they maintained a happy and healthy pregnancy. Whether you are preparing for pregnancy or in the midst of your pregnancy we’ve gotten some great advice to pass along to you on your journey to a happy and healthy pregnancy.

In celebration of Black Maternal Health Week, we asked some great moms we know how they maintained a happy and healthy pregnancy:

Tatiana Wheeler, Mother of 3

Tatiana Wheeler in a park with 2 of her three children
Tatiana Wheeler, Mother of 3

"The forth trimester aka Postpartum is just as important as the other stages of pregnancy. It's prime time for self care, staying in tune with how you feel and focusing on the transitioning into motherhood." - Tatiana Wheeler

Chala Banks, Mother of 3

“Your experience is your own! Despite how many books I read (including “What to Expect When Expecting”) and stories I heard of child bearing and birth, your experience will be completely unique and exclusive to you.

My experience was nothing like those I read about or heard. There will be a lot of highs and lots of lows! From swollen feet, stretch marks, cravings, Braxton hicks to cry spells to the deep desire to quit my job and travel 7 months pregnant. I even remembering feeling completely scared and regretful at one point because I questioned my ability to do it right.

From choosing natural to feeling my first real contraction and requesting meds to sitting in labor 14 hours and been rushed into an emergency C section as my son waves his hands out saying “sike” - it’ll be a wild ride for sure! But in the end, you’ll join an amazing community of women who create beautiful things - life!”

-Chala Banks

Ari Wolfe, Mother of 1

“To keep myself healthy during pregnancy I exercised 3 times a week for 10 minutes per day and also practiced meditation to use since I wanted a natural birth” - Ari Wolfe, Communications Associate

K. Tish Barnes, Mother of 3

“Normalize mental health awareness during and after pregnancy. Perinatal mental health is as important as obstetric health. Black mothers experience higher rates of postpartum depression and are less likely to seek and receive help.”- K. Tish Barnes, MJ National Campaigns Director & mother of 3.

Erica Hill, Mother of 1

“I maintained a Happy & Healthy pregnancy by having my husband do everything.” - Erica Hill

Thanks for reading our content. Are you a mama of color who'd like to share your story? If so, contact us.

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